Snyder Leg & Elliptical Tanks offer great durability for a wide array of agricultural nurse applications. Available in sizes from 30 to 3000 gallons. Standard color is white (other colors available).
Features:- Free-standing Elliptical tanks for stationary or transportable (non-DOT regulated) applications
- Constructed of medium-density polyethylene with UV inhibitors – Rated to13 lbs./gal.
- 3" Bolted fittings with siphon tube opposite 18" - 24" lid
- Molded-in gallonage markers along one side and both ends
- Sturdy self-supporting molded-in legs & heavy-duty design requires no additional support or banding (tanks do feature recessed areas for optional tie-downs)
- Ladder available for 2600 gallon
- Molded-in baffles
- 3-Year Warranty.