Micro Matic, a global leader in closed chemical systems, has developed a range of systems for a wide variety of industries and applications. Most Micro Matic closed chemical systems are meant for filling/refilling and dispensing, which are keyed with a three-key design. Systems meant for DEF use have a unique four-key design and are split into three categories, RSV (Reusable Stainless Valve), RPV (Reusable Plastic Valve) and EPV (Economic Plastic Valve). RSV and RPV systems are suitable for filling/refilling and dispensing, while EPV systems are only suitable for dispensing.
Micro Matic's commitment to high-quality equipment means their systems are top of the line. Their systems include a keyed tamper-evident container valve system that is closed, sealed and secure. Micro Matic systems ensure maximum purity and security, as well as being reliably and economically constructed. The closed system also ensures workforce protection from contained chemicals.
Dultmeier Sales offers all the parts necessary to create a complete chemical transfer system. Follow these links to view our Micro Matic couplers, valves, adapters and accessories. If you have issues finding your part, please call us at 1-888-677-5054.