High Pressure Pumps
Plunger Pumps and Piston Pumps
Dultmeier Sales is a wholesale distributor of many different types of High Pressure Pumps including high pressure plunger & piston pumps from Cat, Giant, AR, Udor, Comet, Arimitsu, Hypro & General / Interpump.
by Mike Hansen | ©Dultmeier Sales
High pressure plunger pumps and high pressure piston pumps are members of the positive displacement pump family. These types of pumps can be run in continuous-duty applications but require full discharge of pump flow or bypass of a portion of the flow through pressure relief valves. Usually the bypass flow portion will be returned to the water supply tank or can also be recirculated back into the inlet side of the pump.
Plunger and Piston pumps feature two or three plunger or piston assemblies that produce pump flow and pressure. These pumps are usually powered by electric motors, hydraulic motors, gas or diesel engines. The drive rpm determines specific flow output for a particular pump. Pumps should not be run in excess of rated rpm or pressure ratings. Pulley drive or direct drive styles are available in many flow and pressure ranges.
Piston and Plunger pumps are ideal for use in Car wash, Truck wash, Pressure washer, Industrial cleaning, Sewer cleaning, Water jetting, Misting, Reverse Osmosis and Carpet cleaning applications.
Piston and Plunger pumps can vary in flow rates from less than a gallon per minute for misting applications to hundreds of gallons a minute for sewer and industrial cleaning. Pressure ranges can vary from 200 PSI for low pressure cleaning to over 20,000 PSI for water blasting applications.
Plunger and Piston pumps usually feature brass, chrome-plated or stainless steel manifolds with Buna or Viton® seals for chemical compatibility. Most pumps are rated from 140°-160°F. fluid temperatures but can be fitted for 180°-200°F. in special applications. Pumped fluids generally need to be clean water with soap or chemical added into the pumped flow upstream or downstream of the pump.

Plunger Pump Cutaway View
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by Mike Hansen | © Copyright Dultmeier Sales, LLC this material cannot be utilized in any way including on other websites or publications without the express written permission of Dultmeier Sales.