Air Injection to Minimize Drift: TurboDrop® XL Nozzle, TurboDrop® VenturiMAKE SURE YOU CHECK YOUR PRODUCT LABEL TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE SPRAYING ON LABELGTTDXL11003 is approved for Enlist DUO 20 - 40 PSI (Pressure at Tip), Enlist One 20-80 PSI (pressure at tip).
The TurboDrop® Venturi (TDXLV/TDVC) is the heart of both the TurboDrop® XL and TurboDrop® Dual Fan nozzle. The Venturi (or injector) meters the flow and injects air into the spray fluid. The TurboDrop® Venturi is ISO color coded for flow rate.
The TurboDrop® Venturi utilizes a patented stabilization chamber and pulsation dampener which results in an even mixing of air with the spray liquid and a tighter more uniform droplet spectrum for a unique combination of drift control and coverage.
The TurboDrop® XL nozzle is unique among air injection nozzles in that it was designed for contact chemicals, not just glyphosate (a systemic herbicide).
The single fan XL can be used in most ag spray applications by choosing the appropriate combination of carrier rate and droplet size. The TwinFan TurboDrop® may improve coverage with certain canopy types, or even help target smaller, just emerging weeds.
The Ceramic Wear Insert Versions (TDCXL & TDCTF) are generally good for 50,000 to 80,000 acres vs. 20,000 to 30,000 acres for the standard polyacetal versions (TDXL & TDTF).
Pressure Range: 20 to 120 PSI (30 to 150 PSI, Ceramic)
Suggested Spray Height: 18" to 36" (on 20" centers)
Material of Construction: TDXL & TADF: Polyacetal & EPDM Gasket
TDCXL: Ceramic Wear Insert, EPDM Gasket