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    Blog posts of '2024' 'August'

    The Key to Sprayer Nozzle Selection: How to Read Spray Nozzle Charts

    Whether you're dealing with weeds, insects, or applying fertilizer, selecting the right sprayer nozzle plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of your results. Nozzles affect the rate, coverage, drift potential, and other performance characteristics of your spray applications. But how do you choose the perfect nozzle for your needs? The answer lies in understanding spray nozzle charts.

    Spray charts provide you with all the details you need to make an informed decision. However, if you are not familiar with them, all the information these charts provide can be hard to sift through. If you want to learn how to use a nozzle chart, stick around because in this guide we will walk through all the information these tools provide and how you can become more confident in reading these charts accurately.


    Understanding the Information Included in a Spray Nozzle Chart

    A spray nozzle chart is a detailed table that provides comprehensive performance data for a specific sprayer nozzle series. It displays essential information about the nozzle's performance characteristics, such as flow rate, droplet size, and pressure ranges. Understanding how to read a nozzle chart, therefore, is crucial for selecting the appropriate spray nozzle for your specific needs.


    TeeJet Spray Nozzle Chart Example:

    Teejet spray chart key for various sprayer nozzle options

    The primary purpose of spray nozzle charts is to guide applicators in making an informed decision when choosing a sprayer nozzle. To use the chart effectively, you must understand the information being presented.

    So, let's look at the different pieces of data shown in nozzle charts.


    Nozzle Capacity (GPM)

    The most essential piece of information that a nozzle chart shows is the flow rate of a single nozzle in gallons per minute (GPM) at different pressures. It is important to note that regardless of which nozzle type you are looking at, the flow rate/capacity will be the same across all the different nozzle sizes.

    This allows users to select the proper nozzle size according to their application parameters.For help sizing your nozzles, you can refer to our complete guide to properly sizing sprayer tips.


    Spray Nozzle/Tip Numbers & Colors

    Sprayer nozzles used for agricultural and turf spraying are color-coded and abide by an international standard. These standards set criteria so that nozzles across different brands and nozzle types/series can be compared equally.

    In simple terms, a yellow-colored or "02" size nozzle in one series will have the same flow capacity as a yellow nozzle from another brand or spray nozzle series. You can find the different sizes/colors and their part numbers in the far-left column of a sprayer nozzle chart:


    Guide showing the key to sprayer nozzle numbers and their uses


    For additional details on how to understand spray nozzle sizing, refer to our guide to understanding sprayer nozzle numbers.


    Operating Pressure

    The operating pressure directly influences the flow rate of the nozzle, which is the amount of liquid that passes through the nozzle per unit of time, typically measured in gallons per minute (GPM). A range of operating pressures is displayed to show the capacity (flow rate) of each nozzle size at various PSI.

    As pressure increases, the flow rate generally increases as well. A spray chart allows you to see how much liquid the nozzle will dispense at each specified pressure level. This is vital because two different nozzle sizes may deliver the overall GPM you need, but they will do so at different pressures. You must match the flow rate and operating pressure you prefer in order to maximize tip performance.


    Droplets Size

    Another significant factor influenced by operating pressure is droplet size. Just as flow rate changes with pressure so too can the droplet size also change. However, while the flow capacities remain the same across nozzle sizes, the droplet sizes produced by the different sizes at various pressures will vary between different types/families of sprayer nozzles.Spray nozzle charts provide the average droplet size a nozzle produces at different operating pressures.

    Again, droplet size is one of the most vital aspects of a sprayer nozzle to get right because it impacts factors like spray coverage and drift which determine your application's effectiveness. For more details on how to understand this aspect of sprayer nozzles, be sure to read our full guide to spray nozzle droplet size.


    Using a Spray Nozzle Chart to Identify the Right Nozzle

    While understanding the information that is presented in a sprayer nozzle chart is vital, it is only half the equation. You also must understand how to use it to narrow in on the best nozzle for your needs. Here's a simple step-by-step guide to help you navigate the chart and select the perfect nozzle for your specific application.

    Determine Your Application Requirements

    The first step involves gathering the details of your application. Here is the information you need:

    • Application Rate: How many gallons per acre (GPA) you need to apply.
    • Ground Speed: The speed at which you'll be operating the sprayer (MPH).
    • Spray Pattern Spacing: The spacing between your nozzles on the boom (most commonly 20" or 30").
    • Desired Droplet Size: Based on the type of chemical and drift potential as recommended by your chemical labels.

    With this info, you can calculate the gallon per minute (GPM) flow rate you need out of a nozzle to achieve your desired application rate (GPA). Here is the formula to determine this:

    Formula to understand sprayer nozzle GPM (gallons per minute) for efficient spraying.

    You can see a full walkthrough of how to use this formula as well as a calculator that will do the work for you in our guide to calculating nozzle/orifice size.


    Find Your GPM In the Chart

    Once you have determined the flow rate you need out of each nozzle, you can search for that flow rate in the capacity column. The nozzles are listed from smallest to largest capacity, starting at the top. You'll simply follow the column down until you arrive at your flow rate.

    Table providing key details on sprayer nozzle specifications.

    Note, you may discover several different sizes of spray tip will work for your desired flow rate, but that doesn't necessarily mean each nozzle is equally right for your application. There are other factors to consider as discussed above that you'll want to check, too.


    Identify the Corresponding Nozzle

    Next, follow the row horizontally to the left to find out the PSI that will produce your flow rate with that nozzle. If that PSI is too low or high for your application, then look at the next nozzle size and find out what operating pressure will produce the GPM you need. Continue this step until you find a nozzle that matches both your desired flow rate and operating pressure.


    Verify Droplet Size

    Confirm the droplet size classification meets your requirements (e.g., Medium, Coarse) as recommended by the product label. Droplet size typically decreases as pressure increases, so this means that two different sized nozzles can potentially produce the same flow rate but create different droplet sizes.

    Droplet size is a complex topic that can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of your pesticide/herbicide application. If you would like a full breakdown, please read our guide on



    Let's suppose you need to apply 15 GPA at a ground speed of 6 MPH with nozzles spaced 20 inches apart. If we enter these numbers into the GPM formula we get 0.30 GPM. This is the number we need to find in the nozzle chart.

    In our example, we are using the chart for TeeJet Turbo TwinJet (TTJ60) nozzles, but this process is the same for most flat fan sprayer nozzles regardless of the brand:

    You can see that our flow rate (0.30 GPM) can be produced by four different nozzle sizes albeit at different pressures. This is common. What you want to do is look at the pressure column just to the left to see what operating pressure would produce this flow rate. Typically, you would want to choose the nozzle that will deliver 0.30 GPM near the middle of the pressure range.

    Choosing a nozzle size that delivers your flow rate in the center of the pressure range provides you room to speed up or slow down as you spray. You would just need to increase or decrease your pressure accordingly.In this example, you would likely settle on the 025 size (violet) or 03 size (blue) nozzle.

    Depending on your application, you may opt for a nozzle size that can deliver 0.30 GPM while maintaining a certain droplet size. The blue nozzle will result in a spray pattern that will have most of the droplets fall into the Coarse size range. The violet-size nozzle also produces a coarse droplet, however, if you were to speed up and increase your pressure it is possible that most droplets would fall into the Fine category.Depending on the chemicals that you are spraying, this change in droplet size may not fall within the recommended and approved droplet range, increasing drift potential ineffectiveness or risk for your spray area (and those areas around it).

    The various families/types of nozzles will produce a range of different droplet sizes. This specific type of nozzle produces a relatively small droplet across the different sizes compared to other nozzle types, such as air induction nozzles. It is important to consider your application and consult the label of any product you are using to find help deciding the appropriate droplet size.


    Specific Scenarios

    Many nozzle charts, such as the one referenced earlier, will display the specific flow rate of a spray nozzle across a range of speeds when used at certain spray nozzle widths. In the chart above, you can see the flow rates for each nozzle size when spaced at both 20 and 30 inches apart on a sprayer boom.

    This can help you identify the nozzle sizes that will work for your application rate without having to calculate your GPM. Of course, this is only applicable if your nozzles are at that specific spacing and you travel within the provided speed range.



    Understanding spray nozzle charts is key to making informed decisions and optimizing your spraying operations. By following the steps described today, you can use spray charts to identify the most suitable nozzle for your specific application requirements.

    You can find charts for specific spray nozzles on our product pages for each nozzle type:

    If you're still uncertain about which nozzle is right for your needs or want to explore more about spray nozzles, contact our agriculture sales team for assistance.

    Comprehensive Guide to Deicing Equipment: Storage Systems, Pumps and Sprayers
    Comprehensive Guide to Deicing Equipment: Storage Systems, Pumps and Sprayers

    There are several liquids used to effectively manage snow and ice on parking lots, streets, and highways. Effective deicing and anti-icing requires not only the right liquids, but also the proper equipment to store, transfer, and apply these solutions efficiently.

    In this guide, we will cover the essential storage systems, pumps, plumbing, and sprayers needed for applying salt-brine, (sodium chloride and water), mag chloride, calcium chloride, and other de-icing liquids.

    Common Deicing Liquids

    Before we discuss the equipment, let's clarify the types of liquids we'll be storing and applying:

    • Salt Brine, Sodium Chloride (NaCl): Approx. 1.2 specific gravity (23.5-26.4 % solution).
    • Mag Chloride (MgCl2): Approx. 1.34 specific gravity.
    • Calcium Chloride (CaCl2): Approx. 1.33 (specific gravity).

    Compatible materials:

    • Polypropylene
    • HDPE
    • PVC
    • Stainless
    • EPDM
    • Viton


    Deicing Equipment Guide 

    Whether you're storing salt brine, magnesium chloride, or other deicing solutions, the right equipment will ensure that you minimize waste and prevent downtime. For several years our team at Dultmeier has gathered insights from experience working with DOTs throughout the country. This helps us to not only provide recommendations on the equipment that works best but help you simplify your operation and avoid costly downtime.


    Let's take a look at the components and systems you will need for an effective deicing setup. 

    De-Ice Storage

    No matter what liquid deicer you are using, proper storage is essential to prevent waste and provide you with a convenient way to access and mix your batches. The type and size of your tank(s) is not the only factor to consider but also the lid, tank fittings, and plumbing.

    De-ice Storage Tanks

    Poly tanks are the most popular storage solution for deicing liquids. Fiberglass and stainless steel can be used as well. All these tanks have an excellent lifespan and compatibility with the common de-icing fluids, although stainless and fiberglass are less common due to their cost. Carbon steel tanks are not recommended.

    When storing de-ice or anti-ice fluid, we recommend polyethylene tanks strong enough to hold liquids that weigh up to 14 lbs. per gallon. This will cover the weight of any de-ice liquids. Common polyethylene tanks are a partially transparent "white" color with inhibitors to protect the tank from UV rays. Other color tanks can be used but the standard white tanks allow liquid level in the tank to be seen.

    What size tank do I need for de-ice?

    Poly tanks come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. The size of your tank depends a lot on your operation. However, there are some key things to consider:

    • If you purchase your liquids, is there a certain volume it is delivered in? Is there a quantity discount?
    • How much brine would you need to cover all of your territory in one application?
    • Do you make your own brine? If so, how fast can you make brine compared to how fast your trucks can apply it?
    • How long can your liquid be stored?


    Fittings and Recirculation

    Brine stratifies overtime so circulating your tanks is important. Typically, a tank will come standard with one fitting installed for load/unload. It is best to request or install multiple fittings so you can plumb a tank for recirculation.

    • It's best to use tanks with two 2-inch or 3-inch fittings to facilitate adequate suction & recirculation.
    • Polypropylene (polypropene) fittings are acceptable, but they can be easier to break, especially in cold temps. Stainless steel is recommended for its durability, despite the higher cost.


    Tank Mixing Educators (TMEs)

    Proper recirculation and mixing are enhanced with a tank mixing eductor. An eductor increases the agitation rate of liquid in the tank. It is both quicker and more effective than simply pumping the liquid out of one tank port and into another.

    Shop De-Ice Storage Tanks & Equipment


    De-Ice Transfer Pumps

    The next component needed for handling de-icing liquids is a transfer pump. As with the storage tanks, the best option is a pump constructed of polypropylene or stainless steel. Poly pumps are less costly, but stainless is more durable. Electric, gas-engine, and hydraulic-drive centrifugal pumps provide versatile options for most deicing applications. 

    DUPR3010 Deice Transfer Pump Unit

    In most cases a 2-inch transfer pump is adequate, depending on the specific pump and your plumbing, you can expect 80 or more gallons per minute from a 2-inch pump. A three-inch pump can be used if higher rates are desired, 250 GPM or more.

    A transfer pump for brine or other de-ice liquid should be rated to handle liquids up to a 1.4 S.G. This means that the horsepower is relatively higher than the same pump that is intended to handle water only.

    Learn more about the specific transfer and sprayer pumps to use in our deicing liquids pump guide

    Plumbing for De-Ice Transfer Pumps

    Plumbing is an aspect that you should not overlook. At the risk of sounding repetitive, the hose, pipe, valves, and fittings need to be made from materials compatible with the liquid you are using and sized properly. The size of those plumbing components is vital. Your pump may be capable of 200 GPM but your plumbing will have a huge impact on whether or not you actually can achieve that flow rate.

    The primary thing to ensure is that the suction pipe (the hose or pipe from the tank to the pump inlet) has an inner diameter of at least the same size as the pump inlet. For example, a two-inch pump requires a two-inch inside diameter hose or pipe. If a hose is used, then it must be a suction hose that won't collapse from the suction generated by the pump.

    Why is this essential? A centrifugal pump needs the right size fluid path on the suction side to avoid cavitation. Cavitation happens when the pump is starved of adequate liquid, which can damage the pump.You can learn more about centrifugal pump operation in our guide written by our in-house engineer Tom Hansen.

    Moving on to the discharge side of the pump, we still have some important guidelines to maximize your flow potential:

    • Use a hose or pipe that won't restrict flow, again 2-inch hose, fittings, valves for 2-inch pumps and 3-inch for 3-inch pumps.
    • Note that not all "2-inch" valves have a 2-inch fluid path. Some 2-inch valves actually have only a 1-1/2 inch fluid path. Use full 2-inch port valves and fittings to reach the full potential of the pump.
    • Limit the number of restrictions in your plumbing. Elbows, valves, vertical pipes, strainers, etc. will potentially decrease your flow rate.
    • Install a strainer after the pump to decrease the chances of cavitation.


    De-Ice/Anti-Ice Sprayers

    When it comes to the actual machines that apply the liquid to the surface, there are several options. These different types of applicators work on the same basic principles with the primary difference between them being their size and the sophistication of the controls.

    Skid Mount Sprayers

    • Sizes: 50, 100, 200, 300, and 500 gallons
    • These sprayers are designed for easy installation and removal, making them suitable for parking lots, side streets, driveways
    • Made to fit in pickup beds, smaller 50 and 100-gallon skids can fit in UTVs/side-by-sides.
    • Basic pressure-based controls are used to manually control the sprayer's output. Automatic rate controllers and GPS can be incorporated if desired.

    Deice Skid Options:

    Larger Sprayers for Dump Trucks

    For larger-scale deicing operations, dump truck-mounted sprayers are essential. These sprayers offer greater capacity and coverage, making them ideal for highways and extensive road networks. Specific models and configurations can be tailored to meet the needs of different municipalities and road maintenance departments.

    DU1A045 Deice Sprayer for Dump Trucks

    The primary feature of Dultmeier Sales' larger de-ice sprayers is the ability to "self-load". These 1065 and 1800-gallon sprayers feature heavy-duty steel leg frames. The front legs swivel as the truck backs up and the skid slides into the truck.

    Self-Loading Sprayer Options:

    De-ice Rate Control

    Rate control refers to the method used to adjust the output of the sprayer. There are two primary rate control options: pressure-based, and flow meter-based. These systems help regulate the amount of deicer being applied, ensuring efficient use of the solution.

    In a pressure-based control system, the output of the sprayer is controlled by changing the operating pressure of the sprayer. This can be done manually by adjusting a regulating valve or with an electronic regulating valve.

    In a flowmeter-based system, you control the output of the sprayer with an electronic regulating valve. Typically, this is done automatically via a rate control console. Automatic rate control allows you to input your parameters and desired output per lane mile. The system will automatically adjust to maintain your application rate if it is within the flow capacity of your nozzles.

    View Rate Control Options for De-Ice/Anti-Ice Sprayers


    De-Ice/Anti-Ice Spray Nozzles

    The nozzles used on a de-ice/anti-ice sprayer should be poly or stainless steel. Stainless steel is the most durable option. Nozzles are available in different spray patterns to accommodate various scenarios. The most common nozzles are solid stream nozzles, flat fan nozzles, and flood nozzles.

    Flat fan nozzles and flood nozzles are ideal when you want to completely cover a surface to prevent ice and snow buildup. Solid stream nozzles are used in de-icing applications. They do not cover the entire surface, rather they deliver a directed spray to penetrate ice/snow on the road. The idea is to get the liquid under the snow and ice to the road surface to melt from the bottom and allow sunlight to work on the top layer.

    Solid stream nozzles can also be effective for anti-ice or prewetting applications. When using these nozzles, there are gaps on the surface between treated areas. This method is a safety precaution in extremely cold temperatures to prevent the entire road surface from becoming a sheet of ice should the liquid solution freeze. The untreated strips provide dry, ice-free areas for drivers.


    Nozzle Sizing

    The rate control system is used to adjust your output, however the nozzles on the sprayer ultimately dictate the flow rate. Nozzles come in a wide range of sizes, and you must calculate the correct size based on the gallons of liquid you want to apply per lane mile, 1000 square feet, acre, etc.

    If you need help sizing your nozzles you can reach out to us with your application rate (gallons per lane mile, per 1000 sq ft, etc.) and we can help you.


    Brine Production System

    An efficient brine production system is the backbone of any deicing operation. These systems are designed to produce large quantities of salt brine quickly in a cost-effective manner. Key components of a brine production system include:

    • High rate of production
    • Mechanism to ensure the correct concentration of the brine solution
    • Ability to clean out sand/debris easily so you can get up and running again
    • Durable and reliable
    • Easy-to-operate controls

    Dultmeier Sales manufactures a completely stainless steel brine production system that is extremely easy to operate and clean out. If you would like more information, please let us know, we would be glad to help!



    Tech Ag & Industrial Sales

    Shane Blomendahl is a tech sales veteran at Dultmeier Sales with over 10+ years of experience in liquid handling products covering several industries and applications.

    Learn More About Author

    Chemical Inductors Guide: Keys to Efficient Operation
    Chemical Inductors Guide: Keys to Efficient Operation

    Using a chemical inductor is an effective way to add chemicals into a mix load for a sprayer. At Dultmeier Sales, we assemble a variety of cone bottom inductor tanks with Venturi assemblies that ensure precise and efficient chemical mixing.

    In this article, we'll provide a complete guide on how chemical inductor systems work, covering everything from the principles behind the Venturi effect to the detailed operation of these systems. Whether you're new to using chemical inductors or looking to optimize your current setup, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need.


    How a Chemical Inductor Works



    The Venturi effect is the driving principle behind how a chemical inductor works. The Venturi effect occurs when a fluid flows through a narrow constriction, causing its velocity to increase and its pressure to decrease, creating a low-pressure zone that can generate suction. This happens in a chemical inductor when the carrier from the transfer pump flows into the inductor assembly on the bottom of the inductor tank.

    The suction effect draws the chemical from the inductor tank into the flowing water. As the chemical mixes with the water in the Venturi nozzle, the combined solution is then transferred into the main sprayer tank or nurse tank.

    This process not only requires a specific set of components but also the correct plumbing to work effectively. Let's examine each component and how they work together.


    Chemical Inductor Components

    Whether a chemical inductor system is on-board a sprayer, mounted on a tender trailer, or stationed on the ground, the core components are the same:

    • Venturi/bypass assembly
    • Cone bottom tank
    • Hose/plumbing
    • Centrifugal transfer pump


    Setup of a chemical inductor system.


    There are variations of each component depending on the specifics of the application.


    Venturi/bypass Assembly


    Chemical inductor system stand used for mixing chemicals in agricultural applications.


    The venturi bypass assembly is the critical piece of any chemical inductor system and essential to drawing in agrochemicals, AMS, crop oil, etc. into your final mix load. This assembly includes the venturi, bypass valve, and all appropriate plumbing fittings. When the bypass valve is closed water is forced through the venturi. Then the tank valve can be opened, and the contents of the inductor tank are drained by the suction from the venturi.

    When the bypass valve is open, water avoids the venturi and the flow rate is faster, but there is no suction to pull any mix of liquids or chemicals from the tank.

    If you are building a chemical inductor, you can add a venturi assembly to an existing cone bottom tank. You can also use a venturi/bypass assembly to pull chemicals directly into a carrier line without the cone bottom tank. For more information be sure to read this guide to mixing chemicals without 12-volt pumps


    Inductor Tank

    A cone-bottom polyethylene tank is recommended for use with agrochemicals (pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, etc.) because it offers a wide range of chemical compatibilities. They are available in various sizes, commonly 15 to 110 gallons. The size of your inductor tank does NOT affect the rate at which chemicals are drawn into your mainline. A larger tank simply holds more product. The tank opening on the bottom of the tank, however, is important to consider. A smaller tank opening can restrict the induction rate and make your overall operation less efficient.

    The size of the tank lid also matters. For starters, a larger lid opening makes it easier to add chemicals and reduces the risk of spillage outside the inductor system. A larger 16-inch lid also allows you to use a Chem-blade jug emptying and rinsing system. With this accessory, you can quickly empty chemical jugs without opening them or pouring them.

    On this page, you can see all our available cone bottom inductor tanks.



    Like the tank, it is recommended that the valves and fittings are also poly. Polypropylene not only works best with agrochemicals but is also suitable for other products such as salt-brine, fertilizers, acids, and cleaning solutions.

    EPDM rubber suction and discharge hoses, such as these offerings from Kanaflex (link) and TigerFlex (link) work great for the suction and discharge sides of your inductor system pump. Two- and three-inch hoses are common plumbing sizes used with inductors.


    Transfer Pump

    Although the pump is not an integrated part of the inductor assembly, it is a critical component required to make the system function. The inductor system must be used with a centrifugal transfer pump that is capable of pushing enough flow through the venturi to generate adequate suction. A general rule of thumb is to use a pump that matches the same size as your inductor's plumbing. So, use a two-inch pump with a two-inch inductor system, and a three-inch pump with a three-inch inductor system.

    Additionally, you'll need to ensure the pump has adequate horsepower to move the liquid through the inductor venturi. If the pump lacks enough horsepower, the pressure may be too low, which can limit the amount of suction created. For example, when pumping water, a two-inch pump with a five-horsepower gas engine will suffice for a two-inch inductor setup. If you have a three-inch inductor assembly, then you typically need a three-inch pump with 8+ horsepower.

    If your carrier is fertilizer or some other liquid heavier than water, you will likely need more horsepower to drive the pump. You can learn more about the pump sizes in our fertilizer transfer pump guide.


    Pump Options for Chemical Inductors:


    How to Install a Chemical Inductor System

    Like the pump, the plumbing setup of an inductor tank is crucial. The most important aspect is the placement of the pump in relation to the inductor system. The inductor should be positioned on the discharge side of the pump. This placement is essential because the flow of the water pumped through the venturi creates the vacuum effect.

    Using the right hose and fittings is vital to proper plumbing for inductor tanks. It is important to match the inside diameter of the hose and fittings with that of the pump ports. For example, a two-inch inductor system should have two-inch plumbing throughout. Hose, fittings, pumps, valves, venturi, etc., should also be two inches in diameter.

    Any restriction in flow can disrupt the system's effectiveness. Eliminating as many bends or slowdowns within your plumbing will ensure your flow rate remains strong enough to draw product down through the venturi. Try to limit the length of hose on the suction and discharge sides of the pump and avoid using too many 90-degree elbows and strainers.

    Furthermore, where you place your pump in relation to your system's water supply tank and inductor can affect the performance of the overall system. You will want to keep the pump as close to the water tank as possible, because the shorter the distance the water must travel to the pump, the less pressure loss you'll have and the better your pump will perform. Proper pump placement means a more reliable and effective chemical mixing process.

    Since plumbing plays such a large part in the overall performance of your inductor system, it's important to consider how every part of the system works in tandem with one another. As referenced above, the hoses throughout your system need to be the proper size to the inductor unit.

    This is also true for the pump inlet. A two-inch pump needs to be fed with at least a two-inch hose, a three-inch pump with a three-inch hose, and so on. You do not want to starve the pump or run it dry. This will result in seal failure in addition to the inductor not functioning properly.


    Chemical Inductor Plumbing Diagram

    Diagram of a chemical inductor system for agricultural mixing.

    Keys to Remember When Plumbing Your Inductor Tank:

    • Venturi Assembly: Must be on the discharge side of the pump.
    • Hose and Fittings: Match the inside diameter of your pump inlet and inductor.
    • Flow Optimization: Avoid 90-degree elbows and pumping great distances 100 ft +
    • Pump Placement: Keep the pump close to the supply tank for efficient operation.
    • Pump Operation: Never run the pump dry and ensure supply tank valves are fully open.

    Using an Inductor Tank Without a Venturi Assembly

    While most chemical inductors utilize a venturi assembly, you can use a cone-bottom tank without a venturi assembly by placing it on the suction side of the pump. However, this setup requires careful consideration to avoid starving the pump of liquid, which can cause pump cavitation and damage.

    One of the risks of positioning the inductor tank upstream of the pump is the possibility of air bubbles entering the system. When you open the tank valve, liquid in the tank is drawn into your carrier line, but you are also introducing air into the line. Air bubbles passing through the pump can lead to damage over time. A large amount of air can starve the pump and lead to seal failure rather quickly.

    Placing the inductor on the suction side of the pump also means you have chemicals passing through your pump rather than just water. Although many pumps are compatible with agrochemicals, this will inevitably lead to more wear and tear compared to water alone.

    You also have the risk of contaminating your water supply or water tank, though using a check valve between the water tank/supply and the cone bottom tank to prevent chemical backflow can likely eliminate this contamination risk.


    When set up properly, inductor tank systems are a highly effective way to introduce multiple chemicals or fertilizers into your spraying application. Following these guidelines will help you build or improve your current set-up, ensuring efficient and reliable chemical induction for your sprayer.

    Dultmeier Sales offers a complete inductor system in poly and stainless steel as well as all the components needed to operate them:

    Inductor systems




    Complete Banjo Manifold Flange Guide: Fittings, Clamps & Gasket Sizing

    Banjo Corporation has a long history of creating innovative products. One of their biggest innovations came when they introduced manifold flange plumbing fittings into the agricultural spraying and industrial liquid handling industries. These flange fittings are designed to be used in place of threaded fittings. This advancement makes it much simpler and faster to assemble, disassemble and re-plumb systems without the hassle of dealing with threaded connections.

    Banjo manifold flange guide clamps used in agricultural systems.

    With manifold clamps, you can quickly remove and inspect sprayer components like flow meters and strainers without disassembling the entire system. This is a stark contrast to threaded systems where you must start at one end and disassemble parts until you reach the desired component.

    Anyone who has ever replaced a cracked strainer or valve knows how difficult and time-consuming it can be to remove several hoses and fittings to replace your broken part, and then reassemble the entire thing. With manifold flanges, the component can be removed and replaced by just removing the flange clamps.

    This guide will cover everything you might need to know when it comes to using manifold flanges, from the fittings themselves to how to correctly size a gasket for Banjo manifold flanges.


    Understanding Manifold Flanges

    A Banjo manifold flange is a type of connection used in sprayer systems to join various components such as pumps, valves, and hoses. These flanges are available in different sizes, and two flanges of the same size are connected with a manifold flange clamp. A gasket fits in between the two flanges to create a secure, leak-proof seal.

    Banjo manifold flanges have been so widely adopted in the market that besides other different manifold fittings, these flanges have been integrated into the designs of pump housings, valves, strainers, flow meters, and more.

    For example, Banjo, Hypro, and John Blue offer many pumps with manifold flange connections in place of pipe thread. There are also line strainers that have flanged ports in place of threaded ports. To help with the installation of manifold flanges, there are also U-bolts specifically designed for the various manifold fitting sizes.

    Other manufacturers have made compatible flanges that will work with the Banjo manifold fittings, but the key is making sure that you match up the correct corresponding sizes.


    Sizing Manifold Flanges

    Banjo manifold flange fittings come in four standard sizes: 1-inch, 1.5-inch (also referred to as a 2-inch standard port), 2-inch full port, and 3-inch. Understanding their inside diameter is crucial for determining flow capacity and ensuring effective use of these fittings. Despite the varying naming conventions across different manufacturers like Banjo, Hypro, and TeeJet, compatibility is straightforward if the correct sizes are identified.

    A common source of confusion is that Banjo labels their 1.5-inch inside diameter flange as a 2-inch "standard port" flange, while their 2-inch inside diameter flange is called a 2-inch "full port" flange. Banjo uses M200 and M220 as the part numbers for their 2-inch standard port and 2-inch full port flanges. Hypro refers to their 1.5-inch diameter flange fittings as 150-series flanges. This means a Hypro 150 series clamp will fit a Banjo M200 series flange. The same is true for the gaskets.

    These part numbering systems are confusing. The chart below shows the different flange sizes and what part number from each manufacturer will work with each size.


    Compatible Part Numbers for Each Manifold Flange Size

    Manifold Flange Size

    Inside Diameter Measurement

    Banjo Part Number

    Hypro Part Number

    TeeJet Part Number






    1.5-inches (2-inch standard port)





    2-inch full port










    Inside diameter of the flange used for agriculture system.

    Two inch standard port part number.


    Compatible Manifold Flange Gasket Part Numbers

    Manifold Flange Size


    Banjo Viton

    Banjo Skirted Gaskets

    Hypro EPDM

    Hypro Viton







    1.5-inches (2-inch standard port)






    2-inch full port













    Skirted Gaskets

    Both Hypro and Banjo offer "skirted" gaskets. These gaskets are designed to stay in place when installed in a manifold. This allows you to install flange clamps without worrying if the gasket is seated correctly.

    Skirted Gasket and Standard Gasket for agriculture use.

    Shop Manifold Flange Gaskets


    Compatible Clamps for Each Manifold Flange Size

    Clamp Part Numbers

    Standard Clamp

    T-Bolt Clamps

    Bolted Heavy Duty Clamps

    Hypro Clamp






    1.5-inches (2-inch standard port)





    2-inch full port











    Banjo offers three different types of clamps for their manifold flanges. The first type is a standard worm gear clamp. This is the most economical and works well when there isn't too much weight or movement from the adjacent components.

    T-bolt flange clamps are another clamp option, and these clamps are ideal for use with larger, heavier hoses or pipes. Finally, the heavy-duty bolted clamp is best suited for applications where significant weight may be applied to the clamp.

    Banjo manifold flange guide clamps used in agricultural systems.

    For example, if you have a 3-inch hose connected to a manifold flange outlet on a pump and you move the hose around, it can put strain on the flange clamp. The heavy-duty bolted clamp is the best option in this case as it is designed to withstand this frequent stress, ensuring the integrity of your connections.

    Hypro manifold flange clamps are made of poly, and they are also T-bolt-style clamps. The big advantage of the Hypro clamp, however, is the hinged design. This makes it even easier to get the clamp around the flange after your fittings are in place.

    You can view all the different flange clamps and gaskets on this page.


    Different Types of Flange Fittings

    The manifold flange fittings are primarily available in polypropylene, but some stainless-steel fittings are also available. There is a poly manifold fitting to replace just about any standard pipe thread plumbing fitting you can think of, though some of the most common are:

    • Elbows
    • Couplings
    • Lugs/Caps
    • Hose Barbs
    • Reducers
    • Crosses
    • Tees

    You can see the full selection of poly manifold fittings here.


    Final Word

    Flange fittings have been incorporated into about every type of sprayer component used today, from pumps and valves to flow meters and strainers.

    Banjo Corporation's manifold flange fittings simplify assembly, disassembly, and re-plumbing in ag spraying and industrial systems. These fittings are compatible with many other manufacturers components, and so long as you are comfortable identifying the correct corresponding size needed, you're unlikely to encounter many issues using these flange fittings. If you have any questions about manifold flange fittings, please contact us.


    Shane Blomendahl, Author

    Tech Ag & Industrial Sales

    Shane Blomendahl is a tech sales veteran at Dultmeier Sales with over 10+ years of experience in liquid handling products covering several industries and applications.

    Learn More About Author

    Comprehensive Guide to Cam-Lock Couplers: Selecting the Right Fitting for Your Needs

    Cam lever couplings, or cam and groove couplings, are essential plumbing fittings used widely in agricultural and industrial liquid handling. These couplings provide an efficient means of quickly connecting and disconnecting hoses from tanks, tanker trailers, sprayers, pumps, and more.

    While manufacturers typically refer to these fittings as cam-lever or cam and groove couplings, they are also known by other names such as cam locks (couplers), cam levers, quick couplers, and lever locks.

    Despite the varied terminology, these terms generally refer to the same type of fitting - though not every camlock coupler works for every application. In this article, we'll detail the key features and differences of various cam and groove couplings to help you decide which style of fitting works best for your unique needs.


    Types of Cam-Lock Couplers

    Nomenclature is important when discussing cam-lock couplers (or any coupling device for that matter). Understanding the different jargon used to refer to specific fittings ensures that you identify the correct item you need.

    There are six main types of cam-lever couplings, each made from different combinations of male adapters (male ends) and female couplers (female ends) with either male pipe thread (MPT), female pipe thread (FPT), or hose shank connections. The types are labeled A, B, C, D, E, and F depending on the end connection type they feature and generally range in sizes from ¾ to 6 inches. There are also dust caps (DC) and dust plugs (DP) available for each size.

    Part A 

    Male adapter with female pipe thread, typically National pipe thread (NPT).

    Part B

    Female coupler with male pipe thread (MPT).


    Part C

    Female coupler with a hose shank.


    Part D

    Female coupler with female pipe thread.


    Part E

    Male adapter with a hose shank.


    Part F

    Male adapter with male pipe thread.

    Dust Plug (DP)

    Fits into the female coupler to prevent dust and debris entry.


    Dust Cap, Female Coupler (DC)

    Fits onto the male adapter to prevent dust and debris entry.


    Non-Standard Cam Lever Fittings

    Beyond these standard fittings, there are additional non-standard types available for specific applications. 

    • Jump Sizes, for transitioning between two sizes of cam couplings
    • Elbows
    • Flange Ends
    • Couplers with Gauge Ports
    • Locking couplers
    • Swivels

    Even these specialty camlock fittings aren't the last of the available options.  You can shop all our cam lever couplings and accessories , and if you are looking for something specific, please let us know


    Materials and Compatibility

    Cam and groove couplings are manufactured in a variety of materials including stainless steel, aluminum, polypropylene, nylon, and more.

    The couplers (female) have a rubber gasket inside to seal up the connection. There are different gasket materials available as well to offer compatibility with different types of liquids:

    • EPDM: Agrochemicals, fertilizers, salt brines, DEF, acetone, acetic acid
    • Viton: Acids, bleach, agrochemicals, fertilizers, salt brine, DEF, xylene, biofuels
    • Buna: Fuels, oil, hydraulic fluid

    *These are general guidelines. Always check compatibility before selecting materials.


    Common Cam-Lock Coupler Applications

    A cam-lock coupling offers users a way to couple and uncouple hoses from tanks, trailers, pumps, etc., while still providing a secure seal. The couplers are suitable for a variety of applications including but not limited to:

    • Agriculture
    • De-icing
    • DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid)
    • Petroleum
    • Mining
    • Manufacturing
    • General Water Transfer
    • Waste Management
    • Brewing & Distilling
    • Industrial Cleaning


    Connecting and Disconnecting Cam-Lock Fittings

    Connecting cam-lock fittings is straightforward but a little difficult to describe in words alone. This video provides a live look at the simple process:

    • Insert the Adapter: The adapter is the "male" end. You insert this end into the coupler side ("female") with the cams/levers in the open position or levers "up".
    • Lock the Levers: Push the levers down to the closed position to lock the connection.
    • Disconnect: Lift the cam arms/levers to the open position and pull the adapter out.


    Are Cam-Lock Couplings Interchangeable? 

    One key advantage of cam-lock couplings is their standardized sizing. Cam-lever couplings are manufactured according to a standard, so regardless of the manufacturer or material, they will connect seamlessly. For instance, a polypropylene male end will fit a stainless-steel female coupler so long as they are both the same size.


    Preventing Leaks and Ensuring Security

    Cam-lock couplings are designed to seal completely when the levers are properly closed. If there are leaks, it may be due to improper connection, worn-out gaskets, or damage to the coupling itself.

    Installing cam couplings vertically or at a 45-degree angle can help reduce wear on the gasket. This takes the weight off the fitting, so it is not pinching the gasket on the bottom of the coupler. If needed, though, replacement gaskets and shims are available. 


    Camlock Coupler Accessories

    • Safety Bumps: These "bumps" replace standard cam-lock dust plugs and caps. They feature a handle for convenience, and they provide protection to the cam-lock coupler in case it is dropped.
    • Safety Locks: To prevent accidental opening of the levers, you can use safety locks. These accessories help secure the levers and prevent spills or leaks in demanding industrial environments. Another option is to use locking-style lever couplings which feature a locking mechanism built into the camlock arm.
    • Extra Thick Gaskets: These cam-lock coupler gaskets are thicker than the standard gaskets and provide a tighter seal and extend the life of your gaskets.
    • Shims: A shim can be installed under the cam-lock gasket. This helps create a seal when the couplers or gaskets get worn. 


    Recommended Cam-lock/Lever-Coupling Brands

    • Banjo Corporation is a leading manufacturer of cam-lock couplers. They specialize in injection molded glass filled polypropylene fittings and manufacture extremely durable cam-lock couplings in the USA.
    • Dixon has an extensive selection of cam-lever couplings. They offer different styles, accessories, sizes, materials, and other features.
    • Kuriyama is a leading manufacturer of industrial and agricultural hose. They also offer a wide array of quality stainless-steel and aluminum couplers.
    • Green Leaf cam-lever couplings feature an innovative locking design. The levers are locked in place automatically and you simply push the buttons on each lever to release.


    Before You Go

    Cam-lock fittings follow industry standards, ensuring compatibility across different sizes and materials. They offer a versatile and reliable solution for fluid transfer in various industries. By selecting the right type and material for your application, you can maintain a secure and efficient connection, prolonging the life of your fittings.

    For more information or to purchase cam-lock couplers, contact our sales team.